Lower School Families,
We have had a great week here at Imagine! Our Safety Patrol is in full swing and we are loving seeing them praise younger students and hand out stars. Today, our teachers spent time engaging in professional development, collaborating, planning and preparing for upcoming units of study, analyzing student learning data. It was a productive day!
A heartfelt thank you to our school counselors Ashlee Kinnaird and Mark Ackerman for their unwavering commitment to our students and the broader school community. Their steadfast support, guidance, and encouragement significantly influence students' lives, assisting them in overcoming challenges and celebrating achievements.
Join us in celebrating our very own Ms. Lafferty! She was honored as Mix 96.5’s Teacher of the Month. She was surprised yesterday and received some great gifts!
We have a lot to look forward to in the next few weeks! Friday, 2/14, is our next ImagiNation Day. We have partnered with LEAF Global Arts to plan an engaging day full of art! Students will get to participate in a variety of classes ranging from African drumming to song writing and more! All students will come together for a performance at the end of the day. We can’t wait! We will also recognize students who earned the I Am a Leader and Value awards for their homeroom.
It’s time for you to submit your Intent to Return for the 2025-2026 school year. The Intent to Return is completed within Infinite Campus. The Intent to Return must be submitted for each student by Friday, February 28th to retain their seat for the 25-26 school year.
In a few weeks, we will be engaging in Coins for Kingfishers and the Book Fair will be on campus. We can’t wait for these annual fun events!
Upcoming Events + Save the Dates:
2/14 - ImagiNation Day
2/24- Q2 Report Cards Issued
2/24-2/28: Coins for Kingfishers
2/25- Last day to order yearbooks!! (info below)
3/3-3/7 Book Fair
Have a wonderful weekend!
All our best,
Jamie Williams & Ellen Girardi
The Last Day to order a yearbook is February 25th. Please visit jostens.com to place your order.
Questions? Please reach out to maryskierczynski@icimagine.org
Soccer Shots (Kinder and First)
We have partnered with Soccer Shots this Spring! Click here for more details.
Bring your Family to Investments
We hope you will join us for Bring Your Family to Investments. We have updated the schedule. Take a look at the schedule below and sign up if you are able to attend. K-2 families, your opportunity to join us kicks off with PE at the end of February, see the schedule below!
We kindly request that only one adult accompanies each student, and we ask that siblings not be brought along, as this time is specially reserved for you and your child.
2/10 - 2/17: Theatre- Sign Up Here
2/24-2/28: PE
3/3-3/7: Art
4/21-4/28: Spanish
5/5-5/9: Music
5/19-5/23: Theatre
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