Upper School

Upper School Families,

Happy New Year and welcome back Kingfishers! School is in full swing, and our students are diving into their work. Q2 progress reports were sent home today 1/17.

Congratulations to Mackenzie Carrol for winning the $350 Chick-fil-A gift card! This prize was awarded through a random drawing for students recognized by teachers for their acts of kindness. We will continue to honor students' kindness at school in the upcoming weeks!

Service Field Trips are Back! Check out the upcoming trips below. Just yesterday, on Thursday, 1/16, Mr. Ray’s advisory class visited Babies Need Bottoms, resulting in an exciting and productive experience.

Serivce Service

Let's congratulate the following students for their outstanding achievements in the All District Band auditions:

  • Julian Kasalu, horn (qualified for State, 1st chair)

  • Charlie Stowe, clarinet

  • Arya Patel, bassoon (qualified for State, 2nd chair)

  • Jon Gantt, tuba

Although Warren McElreath and William Jones didn't make it, they were very close to qualifying.

We are saddened to announce that our beloved Ms. Shimer is moving on from IC Imagine. After eight years with us, Ms. Shimer has been a dedicated teacher, cherished by her colleagues and students alike. She will be greatly missed, and everyone at IC Imagine wishes her the best in her new endeavors!

Applications are now open for the 2024-2025 Youth Legislative Assembly, scheduled for March 7-9, 2025, in Raleigh. The YLA is a mock legislative session where high school students express their opinions and vote on issues affecting local, state, and national government. This program teaches high school students about North Carolina laws and the lawmaking process. Any high school student in good standing can apply, with the deadline set for Thursday, January 16, 2025.

One Life applications are currently open and rolling for juniors. This career and college preparation program offers paid summer internships. For more information, reach out to April Vernau.

Pre-ACT and ACT- On March 13 for Sophomores, Juniors, Freshmen, and Seniors Virtual Day - Sophomores and Juniors will be on campus for their tests, while Freshmen and Seniors will have an assignment posted in Infinite Campus. This assignment must be completed within five school days to be counted as “present.”

Attendance makeup -Sessions have begun, occurring every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday after school from 3:15 to 4:15 PM in Ms. Mitchell’s room. Families should receive communication from their teachers if their student has been absent for 3, 5, 7, or 8 days in any class.

Remote Learning - Students are required to submit their work to be counted as present for remote learning days. There is one more approaching deadline: January 21 for the January 13 snow day. Teachers will be updating student attendance records.

CAYLA -The City of Asheville Youth Leadership Academy (CAYLA) is accepting applications from juniors, with a deadline of February 17th. More details can be found on their website.

Closings and Delays- Will be announced via family email, text/phone, our website (icimagine.org), Social Media and News13 WLOS. You can read more about closings and delays on our website: https://www.icimagine.org/page/delays-and-closings. You can also find information on our website about Remote Learning.

Jazz Band-Join us Tuesday, 1/28 from 5-7p for an evening filled with music and delicious noodles as the Jazz band presents a night to remember. Savor a spaghetti dinner while enjoying the tunes from the IC Imagine Jazz band. Secure your tickets here!

Student ID Numbers- We are asking students to memorize their student number.  Your child’s number can be found on the home screen of your Infinite Campus parent account.  Their number will be used when they check-in late and/or check-out when leaving early.

Attendance Notes & Requests- For day-of and upcoming absences, late arrivals or early dismissals, we encourage families to use the Absence Requests module on their Infinite Campus Parent portal.  (This can be found on both the desktop and mobile platforms).

  • Navigate to the menu and select “More”, then select “Absence Requests”

  • Select the applicable child and complete all the required fields

  • If you have a note or other documentation to support the request, it can be uploaded here.

  • Note that if you request an Educational Opportunity or a College Visit through this process, there is an additional form that must be completed so that administration can provide approval. See information on the website.

For prior absences, notes should be emailed to attendance@icimagine.org or dropped off at the front office.

The Exceptional Children’s Assistance Center (ECAC)- Invites families to nominate their child’s school for the “Tell Us Something Good” Award! Share your positive experiences with your child’s teacher or school showcasing their welcoming attitude and enthusiasm for working with families of students with disabilities. Please submit experiences from the 2023-2024 school year through December 2024. The submission deadline has been extended to February 1, 2025.

Yearbook Staff needs your help-If you have any photos of your student(s)/teacher helping or volunteering during Hurricane, please email them to photos@icistudents.org for our yearbook page.

Upcoming Field Trips:

1/28-Hannh’s Advisory to the Humane Society

Sign up for these field trips by logging into Infinite Campus, 

selecting menu->School Store-> 

Click on the logo that says shop->Products-> Field Trips

Have a great weekend,

Jennifer Townley, Meg Turner & Patrick Shaughnessy

Head of School & Upper School Principals