Middle School

Middle School Families,

It has been another fantastic week here at IC Imagine Middle School!

We wanted to share a few important updates with you:

  • Progress Reports: Progress reports will be sent home with students on Tuesday. Please take a moment to review your child's progress and reach out to their teachers with any questions.

  • Student-Led Conferences: Mark your calendars for February 4th! We are excited to host student-led conferences and are hoping for a great turnout. Be on the lookout for more information, including a sign-up form, in the coming weeks.

Join us Tuesday, Jan. 28th from 5-7p for an evening filled with music and delicious noodles as the Jazz band presents a night to remember. Savor a spaghetti dinner while enjoying the tunes from the IC Imagine Jazz band. Secure your tickets here!

Student ID Numbers
We are asking students to memorize their student number.  Your child’s number can be found on the home screen of your Infinite Campus parent account.  Please help with this at home.  Their number will be used when they check-in late and/or check-out when leaving early.

Attendance Notes & Requests
Reminder:  For day-of and upcoming absences, late arrivals or early dismissals, we encourage families to use the Absence Requests module on their Infinite Campus Parent portal.  (This can be found on both the desktop and mobile platforms).

  • Navigate to the menu and select “More”, then select “Absence Requests”

  • Select the applicable child and complete all the required fields

  • If you have a note or other documentation to support the request, it can be uploaded here.

  • Note that if you request an Educational Opportunity or a College Visit through this process, there is an additional form that must be completed so that administration can provide approval. See information on the website.

For prior absences, notes should be emailed to attendance@icimagine.org or dropped off at the front office.

We hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend, and we look forward to another fantastic week ahead at IC Imagine Middle School!

Ryan Bell & Yvonne Bourque

Middle School Principals

Grade Newsletters:

6th Grade Newsletter

7th Grade Newsletter

8th Grade Newsletter