Fine Arts Newsletter

The dedication and creativity exhibited by our students and teachers never cease to amaze us. From intricate brush strokes to mesmerizing performances, the fine arts program at IC Imagine continues to flourish. As we navigate through these bustling weeks, we are reminded of the power of art to inspire, uplift, and connect us all. 

In the Music World:

Middle and Upper School Band

We welcomed the first day of spring this past week with our Full Band Concert! The students in the beginning band, concert band, symphonic band, wind symphony, and jazz band all performed at a very high level! 

Heading into Spring Break we are gearing up for our performance near Dollywood at the end of April! All four full ensembles will be performing for judges ratings! 

Middle School Chorus

The Middle School Chorus participated in Music Performance Adjudications on Wednesday, March 20, in downtown Asheville. While there, they performed two selections of music and participated in sight reading. They earned a rating of excellence/accomplished for their performance and superior/distinguished for their sight reading. 

Upper School Chorus

The Upper School Choruses attended Music Performance Adjudications on Tuesday, March 12, at Brevard College. While there both groups performed two selections of music and participated in sight reading. US Mixed Chorus received an excellent/accomplished rating for their performance and a superior/distinguished for their sight reading. US Chamber Choir received an excellent/accomplished for their performance and a superior/distinguished for their sight reading! Congrats to all the US Chorus students on their hard work!

In the Theatre World

Lower School Theatre/ Lower School Music

Disney’s The Jungle Book Kids was a huge success. We congratulate our cast on a job well done!

Spring session of Orff Ensemble will begin after spring break!

Sing Up Here!

Orff ensemble participants  will sing, say, dance, and play musical instruments after school.  This is a great club for students who love music class and want to perform!

Mondays and Thursdays 

2:45 - 3:30 pm

April 8 - June 6

Space is limited to 24 students. (4th and 5th graders only)

Click Here for Videos from Music Class!

Middle School Theatre

Middle School Beginner Theatre will be starting rehearsals for their Sock Puppet version of Williams Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” after Spring Break.  The play will be performed for Mrs. Nilo’s Lower School Theatre classes at the end of the semester.

We also began filming scenes this week from our first semester mystery film project - “Night of Our Lives”.

Middle School Intermediate Theatre students have been honing their improvisation and acting skills by using Viola Spolin exercises to deconstruct their character and scene work.

Upper School Theatre

Our ITS (International Thespian Society) members are conducting a Bake Sale Fundraiser during Upper School Lunch.  Last semester, ITS raised more than $600 for the department.

Upper and Middle School students are also hard at work rehearsing for our Spring Musical:  Mamma Mia!

We are still looking for Sponsors and resources/materials to help us purchase costumes and build our set.  If you know of a business that would be interested in being a sponsor, please contact our Upper School Theatre Teacher, Mr. Campbell (  If you have access to construction materials and would like to assist with building our Mamma Mia set, our first set build day will be Saturday, April 6.  Set build days are currently scheduled for every Saturday between April 6 and May 11 from 10am - 4pm.

In the Visual Art World

Lower School Art

K-5th grade students have learned about the contemporary artist Crystal Wagner.  We are creating various artworks inspired by her process.  5th graders are starting a printmaking project using imagery found in her work.  

K-3rd grade students are working with clay.  Some are creating jewelry, some are making pots and some have created silly monsters.  

4th grade students have studied two local fiber artists, have created their own looms and will be working toward finishing their own weavings.Middle School Art

Here are a few of the amazing self portraits that 6th, 7th, and 8th grade have created:

Upper School Art

In Digital Photo 1, Digital Photography students have finished their Formal Portraits and did a fantastic job!  They learned about lighting in a studio setting and had fun playing with the masks as they took their portraits.


In Ceramics 1, Ceramics students have been very busy working on their large scale Flat Coil Vessels.  The designs were inspired by Designs from other cultures that they researched.   

In Digital Art 1, Digital Art 1 students have been creating posters for the LS “Jungle Book Kids” musical production and have now moved on to their ideas for the US Musical Production of “Mama Mia” .  In addition to this they have been doing all the Typography prep work for the creation of their own cereal boxes.  As Q4 begins we will be looking at branding, communication and learning a bit about photography!  

In Art 3, students have done a fabulous job on their Neurographic Art assignment. They looked at the work of Russian psychologist Pavel Piskarev, and came up with some magnificent creations of their own. We have also created some mechanical sculptures which will be out soon. So be on the lookout…


In Art 2, students spent time exploring African Masks. Each student studied the origin of a mask of their choosing and created one that reflects who they are as an individual. I’m so proud of the work and effort they put into these masks. We have also done some surrealism work and they held nothing back when it came to their imaginations. 

We are currently working on a Congressional Art Competition Piece as well as working on a group project designing furniture.


In Art 1, students worked on Architectural letters creating the first letter or last letter of their name using cardboard. A great deal of time and patience were put into this 3D design.