Upper School

Upper School Families, 

We are off to a great start this second quarter! Students are reminded to meet the attendance expectations to ensure successful completion of coursework each quarter. We are looking forward to our first theater production, kicking off this weekend! Winter sports tryouts have been going great all week. 

Winter Break is just around the corner, yet we still have a plethora of exciting activities and opportunities to keep you engaged with ImagiNation throughout November. Keep an eye on our website and social media posts to stay up-to-date on all the fun events and community building opportunities.

Mountain Bike Team

If your child is interested in joining our mountain bike team, you can use this form to sign up and receive more information.

The next two Wednesdays 11/8 and 11/15 there will be after-school rides from 2-4 on campus.  Athletes can come out to see what the trail is like, borrow a bike if needed, and just get a feel for what being on the MTB team is about.

Watauga Opportunites, Inc

Fall Theatre Production 

Join us for the Fall Theatre production of Clue: On Stage (High School Edition)

Based on the screenplay by Jonathan Lynn

Written by Sandy Rustin

Our show dates are: November 3rd - 6 pm

                                                      November 4th - 1pm

Purchase Ticket Here

Families Helping Families Holiday Assistance Program

Our Holiday Assistance Program is starting back up as we head into the winter season. This program is intended to support families at our school who may need additional assistance. Click here to learn more

Connect and Collect Wednesday 11/15 at Blue Ghost Brewing

Join us for a night of fun and fundraising at Blue Ghost on November 15. Show some love to our school while enjoying some great food and vibes. Plus, a slice of the proceeds will go towards supporting our school!

Have a great weekend, 

Nicole Morin

Sean Vervain

Upper School Principals