Fine Arts

Discover the latest Fine Arts updates at IC Imagine.

In the Music World…

Lower School Music


We read the book “In The Tall, Tall Grass”. Students sang each page on So-Mi-La pitches then played a refrain on resonator bells. Students explored moving like creatures from the story.  We played a singing game “Black Snake, Where Are You Hiding?” and students explored loud/soft.  We also played a singing game “Beetle, You Must Wander”.


We reviewed the Portuguese folk dance, Indo Eu. Then, we explored beat/rhythm with the rhyme “Naughty Kitty Cat”. Students were introduced to a quarter rest. We sang the rhyme on La-So-Fa-Mi-Re-Do pitches and played a singing game where a cat chased a mouse. We added a broken drone harmonic accompaniment to the song on xylophones. Last week we played a singing game, “Snail, Snail” where students sang while winding into a spiral. Students explored different ways to create a snail shell shape with their bodies and we had a “slowest race” where students danced slowly across the classroom.


We explored the creative movement concepts shadowing and flocking. We explored musical form with a poem, “Birds of a Feather”. Students chanted the phrases in different orders, then created rhythmic accompaniment using bird names. We performed two rhythms with body percussion to accompany the spoken poem.


We learned a song and folk dance, Alabama Gal. Students sang the four verses and performed the dance in longway sets. We added an interlude that used the rhythms of states. Students performed the interlude with speech and body percussion. Next we began to learn three harmonic accompaniment parts on xylophones (broken drone, melodic ostinato, and color part).


We worked on four-layer rhythmic texture and part independence. We used only our voices and bodies but this work is foundational for performing instrumental pieces with multiple accompaniment parts. We began by saying a modern take on the nursery rhyme, “Deedle, Deedle, Dumpling”.. Then, with the class divided into four groups, students said three repeated rhythmic phrases (speech ostinatiI) to accompany the poem. Next, in small groups, students created body percussion for their speech ostinati or movement for the poem. We put all four parts together in a final performance. We also played several drum circle games that challenged students to play in unison with visual and auditory cues, internalize a pulse while playing on different beats, and respond rhythmically to cues. Then we learned a chant, “Thump, Thump” that uses sixteenth note rhythms as well as an accompaniment rhythm. We performed the piece on drums.


We played a singing game from Latin America, “La Culebra”. Students sang the call and response song while in lines (like snakes), trying to catch the tail of another snake. We added a harmonic accompaniment that included sixteenth notes, in a minor mode.

Video 1

Video 2

Middle School/Upper School Choruses

Congratulations to Makenna Johnson and Sofia Nilo on auditioning for the North Carolina Honors Chorus!

Congratulations to Karsyn Adamson, Remy Eudy, Owen Ward, and Isabel Moore on auditioning for the Mars Hill University Choral Festival! Congratulations to Karysyn Adamson on being accepted to the festival and the opportunity to win a scholarship to Mars Hill University!

The choruses have been hard at work preparing for their winter concert. We have been discussing the use of dynamics (loud and soft) in music and how to interpret the symbols of dynamics to enhance our songs. Our next concert is November 14th!


Middle/Upper School Bands

The bands of ICI are working hard to prepare the music for the upcoming concert on November 16 in the IPAC at 5:30 pm. Concertgoers will hear some familiar favorites, some classic jazz, and some new music. 

The Beginning Band, Middle School Jazz Band, Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Upper School Jazz Band, and the Wind Symphony will be performing.

The musical growth and development from these musicians has been outstanding.

Please join us for an evening of great music and support these talented students!


In the Theater World…

Lower School Theater

Both 5th and 3rd grades are working towards informal performances with kindergarten and first grades. 

In 3rd grade, we are performing with sock puppets in small ensemble groups. Each group was assigned a fairy tale and will be performing for a kindergarten class.

In 5th grade, we will be performing original works created by each class focusing on the comic book character Mr. Jackson created named the Kingfisher Kid. Each class will present a performance to a kindergarten and first grade class the week before winter break.

Be on the lookout for more information about our lower school musical auditions happening in November!

Middle/Upper School Theater

Our MS Beginner Theatre students just finalized the cast for their mystery film project.

Pictured (left to right): Micah Morissette, Naomi Dickinson, Selah Logan-Foster (back), River Poekert, Mallory Miller (back), Aubry Alvarez (back), Emerson Hoodenpyle (back), Shelby Ray, Lilianne Boughton (front), Lucia Ferrell-Smith, Aubrey Edwards, Ava Rossi, Rosemary Rinaldi.

Our MS Intermediate Class is hard at work rehearsing their class production of The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, which will be performed in-school for our Lower School students, as well as after school on Wednesday, November 8th as part of our free Theatre Department Semester Showcase.

Pictured: Kylie Curvey and Juna Stevenson as Mr. and Mrs. Beaver

Pictured: Grace Thurman as Peter, Olivia Stueber as Susan, and Ari Armstrong as Edmund

In Upper School Technical Theatre, our students are busy building props for Halloween and our fall production of Clue: On Stage.

Pictured: Dylan Atkinson, Ben Johnston, and Brody Gundlach

Pictured: Ava Pickard

In the Visual Arts World…

Middle School Art

In middle school, we have been studying the works of Wayne White as we work to create sculptural faces from cardboard and watercolor paper. This week students will complete their final sculptures adding paint and fine details such as eyelashes and wrinkles. Below are a few examples of what they have done as practice as well as an example of a finished sculpture which has served as a model for students to study.

Upper School Art

From Mr. Georges’s classroom:

For the past few weeks, we have been working on creating Corrugated Cardboard Sculptures in Art 2. Students started by taking the time to brainstorm, sketch out their ideas, make a plan, and then gather their materials and create a sculpture out of cardboard. 


Art 1 did a fabulous job bringing their artistic vision to life with their Paper Quilling Projects. From shooting stars to flowers, to bears, they look amazing! Art 1 is now working on creating a 3Dl chess pieces out of cardboard…so stay tuned.

Art 3 is wrapping up their Replica of an Artist project. Each student chose a piece of artwork from a famous artist of their choice and then worked to recreate that work of art. Students spent time observing the artwork and studying the elements of art before applying their skills to create their own replica of art. 


Our next project in Art 3 is to design and create a puzzle out of wood. I look forward to seeing the work these young artists produce, as their skills continue to improve with every assignment.

From Ms. Guss’s classroom:

Photo 1 students finished their in class shoot based on the work of Edward Weston and the results were fantastic! 

They have now moved on to Light Painting and understanding how aperture, shutter speed, and ISO all work together.  

Ceramics 1 class are finishing up their low relief tile construction and starting to glaze them! 


They are beginning their Ugly Mug construction. This is based on traditional Ugly Jugs.