notebook with 10 year logo

Middle School, 

Progress reports are coming home today. Students received them during advisory and set academic goals for quarter one. Students will check in on their goals after the first quarter and will receive points toward their house if they met their goals. 

Our first ImagiNation day is Wednesday. Students will participate in clubs, celebratory activities, and house competitions. This day will also be a dress down day, and students must follow the upper school dress code

Join the grounds committee on Wednesday, September 20th to help beautify the campus. Students can sign up for the afternoon shift. Sign up here.

A few friendly reminders:

Today (9/15) is the deadline to place your order for October lunches. Click here to order.

All Health Assessment Forms, Birth Certificates, and updated immunization records (K,7,12) need to be turned in by October 15th.

If you have any questions about transportation, early dismissal or pick up please contact the front desk or student services at

To report an absence or any questions about attendance please email

Have a great weekend, 

Ryan Bell

Yvonne Bourque

Weekly Newsletter;

6th Grade Newsletter

7th Grade Newsletter

8th Grade Newsletter