Picture of the school with the words Open House

IC Imagine Families,

We look forward to seeing you for our Open House and Meet the Teacher events in August.  As the school year approaches, we will be sharing a lot of information via email, social media, Remind, and our website. Please stay engaged with us so we all can have a successful start to the 23-24 school year! 

Thanks for your continued support and we look forward to the start of the school year. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to your School Level Principal. 

Lower School
Jamie Williams jamiewilliams@icimagine.org
Ellen Girardi ellengirardi@icimagine.org

Middle School
Ryan Bell  ryanbell@icimagine.org
Yvonne Bourque yvonnebourque@icimagine.org

Upper School
Sean Vervain seanvervain@icimagine.org
Nicole Morin nicolemorin@icimagine.org