We are proud to introduce Kingfisher Mentor Connections, a new school-wide mentoring program at IC Imagine. This initiative aims to establish a supportive environment for students to connect, exchange experiences, and form enduring friendships. The program is designed to facilitate important relationships spanning different ages and grades. We will be pairing upper school students with middle school students and middle school students with lower school students. Mentors were selected through an application process and will meet with their mentee four times a week (M, T, Th, F) to mentor, support, and build camaraderie. We are excited to utilize our K-12 community to build positive relationships and connections across our school and anticipate expanding this program next school year.
Upper School: jasonfrank@icimagine.org
Middle School: jessemitchell@icimagine.org
Lower School: ashleekinnaird@icimagine.org (K, 2nd, 4th) markackerman@icimagine.org (1st, 3rd, 5th)