Junior Marshal Tradition

During the 2023-24 school year, IC Imagine introduced the Junior Marshal tradition. This prestigious program is designed to recognize outstanding juniors who exemplify leadership, academic excellence, school spirit and overall contributions to the IC Imagine community. The Junior Marshal role is one of honor, leadership and responsibility.  Selected students are entrusted with representing the best qualities of IC Imagine and serving as ambassadors of academic excellence and integrity. 

The ten students who meet the following criteria at the end of the second quarter of their Junior year are eligible:

  • Class rank is within the top ten based on weighted GPA

  • No more than two major referrals during the junior year

  • No unexcused absences resulting in FFs

The duties of a Junior Marshal include:

  • Leading processions

  • Assisting with logistics

  • Exemplifying decorum

  • Providing assistance

  • Maintaining traditions

  • Involvement in senior class activities, such as:

    • Senior awards

    • Senior assembly

    • Senior Picnic

    • Senior breakfast/lunch

    • Graduation practice

    • Graduation

  • Representing the school at enrollment events


Current Recipients

We are thrilled to announce the following Class of 2026 Junior Marshals!

P. Contre



A. Gura




M. Ropalo

J. Wall

H. Williams