
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you offer AP Spanish at IC Imagine? AP Spanish is projected to be offered in the 2024-25 school year. After completing Spanish 4 Honors, upper school students can take AP Spanish.
What if my child has never taken a Spanish class and would be entering IC Imagine in middle school or high school. Will they be successful? Yes, we teach language through Comprehensible Input. This allows students to learn through lots of input and will help new students to jump in even if they lack the foundation.
What is Comprehensible Input? Comprehensible Input is a method of teaching a second language that requires a teacher to slow down and use repeated vocabulary with acting, visual prompts and cognates (words that are similar in both languages.) The pressure for output (speaking and writing) is low until taking higher levels of the language and/or the student feels comfortable.
What curriculum do you use? We use Comprehensible Input based readers and curriculum. Somos is used in middle school and Wayside Publishing produces many of our leveled reading materials.
When will my child be fluent in Spanish? We like to say that fluency is a lifelong endeavor. Reference our Kingfisher Spanish Language Roadmap to learn more about your student’s projected language acquisition based on the number of input hours.