Is your rising Kindergarten, 7th, or 12th grade student up to date?
In North Carolina, children are not allowed to attend school (whether public, private, or religious) unless they have received all immunizations appropriate for their age.
Call your student's doctor's office today to make sure they are up to date. Ask them to fax your student's NC Immunization Record to IC Imagine.
Fax: 828-633-6494

School Health
In an effort to protect all children from contagious illness, IC Imagine adheres to the following health care guidelines:
In case of illness, we will contact the parent or designated emergency contact family member to pick up the child from school (within 1½ hours) both to prevent transmission to the other children and to provide comfort for the child. IC Imagine understands it can be difficult for a parent to leave or miss work; therefore, it is suggested that alternative arrangements be made in advance. The child must be kept home for 24 hours (without symptoms) before returning to school. In case of contagious illness (or suspected contagious illness), a doctor’s note will be required prior to your child returning to school.
The following conditions will result in families being contacted to pick up their children:
Temperature of 100.4 degrees or more;
One or more episodes of vomiting during the course of the school day;
Three or more episodes of loose or watery stools, inconsistent with usual bowel movements;
Any symptoms requiring one-on-one care and/or causing severe discomfort.
When returning to IC Imagine after an illness, please remember:
A child must be free from symptoms such as fever, vomiting, and diarrhea for a full 24-hour period, without medication, prior to returning to school. Please do not give your child Tylenol or other fever-reducing medications to mask symptoms.
Any child prescribed an antibiotic must take it for 24 hours before returning to school.
A child must be able to participate in ALL activities (including outdoor activities) upon returning to school. Children in Kindergarten through 5th Grade go outside everyday (weather permitting). If your child is unable to go outdoors, a doctor’s note, including a limit to the time when the child must remain indoors, is required.
Ask the School Nurse!
Ashton Haskins, RN
Contact Nurse Ashton

Wash hands frequently
Use hand sanitizer
Cover coughs and sneezes
Do not share drinks/food