Chosen Name/Pronoun Updates

Students have two names saved in Infinite Campus, IC Imagine's Student Information System.

A student’s legal name is the name that appears on their birth certificate, passport, or adoption decree. This is the name under which a student must be enrolled. Legal documentation (court order, adoption decree, certified birth certificate or passport) must be provided to change a student’s legal name.

A parent/guardian may request that a chosen or preferred first and/or middle name appear in Infinite Campus. No documentation is required.

To change a student’s chosen or preferred name, please complete the Name Change Form.

 A parent/guardian may change a student’s chosen or preferred name for any of the following reasons:

  • A student is being harassed/bullied as a result of their legal name being displayed.

  • A student is transitioning/nonbinary and has requested to be identified with their chosen name.

  • A student is commonly known as and prefers to be identified with their middle name or a name that is not on their birth certificate or passport (legal first name).

The chosen or preferred name will display in the following reports or systems: 

  • Progress Reports

  • Report Cards 

  • Teacher Gradebook

  • Infinite Campus

Please email your child’s grade level counselor with any questions or concerns.