
This is one of the two newest sports coming to Kingfisher Athletics in 2024!

Schedule button above also includes transportation information (if applies). For games only, you can visit the Athletics Calendar where you can filter by sport.


Michael Rexroad, U.S Boys Head Coach Contact Michael

Michael Breslin, M.S Boys Head Coach Contact Michael

Upper School Boys

  • E. Dickinson

  • A. Murphy

  • W. Doty

  • K. Williams

  • L. Carver

  • D. Carver

  • H. Crow

  • P. Spivey

  • D. Giger

  • D. Austin

  • J. Vance-Castaneda

Middle School Boys

  • Z. Balnis

  • D. Brown

  • W. Goss

  • A. Kouri

  • M. Marsden

  • A. McCormick

  • C. McCormick

  • G. Spivey

  • W. Uldricks

  • K. Williams

  • D. Martinez

  • F. Cowap

  • G. Austin

Baseball Schedule